Friday, March 4, 2011

America's Food Revolution sparks 'Food For Thought'

This image, given on
Food Inc.'s official website, brings hope, disdain, syphilis and a festeloon of other evocations while it resonates as a symbol of the Food Revolution, which is currently sweeping the States.

“There are no secrets in life, just hidden truths beneath the surface.” Also, “the way to the heart is through the stomach.”

So much wisdom, so much relevance, so much to write about. The brilliant words of Dexter Morgan and of the Infinite Mind’s Foods and Moods podcast are an apt summation of my dance with destiny right now.

I’ve just waltzed into America’s Food Revolution. Yes, I’m very late into the game, but better late than never. I picked up the book Food, Inc. from the library last week and guess what, I’m already incensed. But motivated! I’m ready to punt those fucktard factory-farm behemoths straight out to the Mariana Trench. As for Fast Food, it’s sayonara time. Truth be told, it’s been sayonara time for quite a while now, but I have those occasional backslide moments, after a few too many of the world’s finest Pabst Blue Ribbons, where I indulge in late night Fast Food. Nunca más – the Bert Boycott has begun.

So here’s the skinny of our nation’s food situation, but for the love of all that is sacred don’t take my word on it. Read Food Inc., Fast Food Nation, The Omnivore’s Dilemma, or Food Politics. We’ll have a discussion that could blow the Finer Things Club out of the water, and then we’ll take our knowledge and transform our vapid eating styles into something momentous and in line with the pursuit of happiness.

Anyway, the skinny… (You’re supposed to read this like you’re Dick Vitale, cramming dump truck loads of information into an ESPN-sized allotment of 30 seconds.) READY, SET, GO

FacFarms wreak havoc on the landscape due to runoff from agricultural inputs like fertilizers and pesticides, or animal waste, in the case of the meat industry. The runoff in turn causes people to get sick …We’ve got blue baby syndrome arising from pesticide runoff and workers getting a host of ailments from the animal waste. Meanwhile FacFarms are very deeply entrenched and very protected by Uncle Sam. They make a lot of money and have lot of lobby bucks to ensure their survival. As these FacFarms currently operate, they disburse their foods to all ends of the country and around the world, so their carbon footprint gets quite extensive. As a result we’ve got personal welfare, democracy, and climate change all at stake.

So what the hell is there to do about it??? Farmers markets and Whole Foods is a start. If you’re like me and you don’t have a lot of money to spend, I suggest doing the easiest thing, start cutting meat out of the diet. The meat packing industry’s malfeasance dwarfs the heck out of other ag industries. Plus, less meat is better for the figure.

For my own personal effort I am going to begin Food For Thought. All of you loyal readers who have been anticipating Food Game, I apologize for the craziness. It will all be explained when the rules for Food For Thought get hashed out.

1 comment:

  1. Spring Break has come and thus it is time to crack open the books! Thanks for the reading list chief. Keep up the good work--bonne chance!

    P.S.: way to quote Dexter...
