Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One day, you'll have to be President

I think it’s time to adopt the “let’s assume I have to be President one day,” mentality. It’s a really good mindset, because it makes you realize just how much you have to learn about everything to be able to problem solve in a way that is feasible and better for the country.

Yes, I just watched my favorite episode of West Wing thus far. Toby – boring ass, follow the rules, don’t tread on anything the least bit courageous even if it’s the right thing to do – Toby uses the president’s authority to put together a military funeral for a homeless Korean vet who passed away. In fact, Toby’s moral compass pushes him into scrumtrulescence. It’s a phenom episode – CJ goes out on a date after playing impossible to get, Sam and Josh play hardball, and Leo’s dicey past comes charging to the forefront…If you don’t watch West Wing it’s about time you get on that, because you’re missing the reason why people watch tv.

Anyway, moral compass scrumtrulescence is what this blog post is all about. What would you do to make your world better? Or make this country better?

I read an article in the economist today that informed me if we didn’t raise the debt ceiling our nation would default on its loans and economic chaos would ensue. Which could be a lot of fun if we weren’t living in a globalized world, because anarchy would favor the lower and lower middle classes as they could reach in for land and resources that would become unclaimed in a USA without order, but in today’s world, another nation would probably swoop in and take the spoils, perhaps a China, or maybe even a U.A.E. if its international army - put together by ex-Navy Seal, former Blackwater CEO Erik Prince - augmented. But I digress, we would never default, because we can raise the debt ceiling and after we raise the debt ceiling, we have two years to come up with a strategy to balance our budget.

Anyway, what does any of this have to do with a moral scrumtrulescent compass?

What if you had to decide how to balance the budget? What the hell would you do?

I’m getting these great visions of putting our inmates to work. I see this tremendous labor force that is wasting away behind bars eating up tax dollars. I saw a news feature last summer show how inmates have started local gardens. Potentially, all of our jailed cons could be put to good uses like these. Then, with an ironic twist, our convicts would become our nations’ heroes by creating an economy that could boom off of the fruits of their labor. I’m thinking these inmates could learn real skills while serving time, thus having more value to society during their incarceration and as a result being more hirable when they get out. And this could potentially lower rates of recidivism.

This is kind of fun. I’ve got to keep going. After all, we can always get more efficient.

Though Japan ruined any confidence in de facto nuclear energy, with increased safety precautions, we could amp up our supply of nuclear energy and then use this energy to fuel electric cars and houses. We wouldn’t have to worry about a carbon footprint or money going into the hands of Oil tycoons like Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the U.A.E. who is using oil profits to buy large mercenary armies.

Okay, I’m well aware this post has took a turn for annoying and I am now ranting, but it’s kind of fun and the rant is almost over, plus West Wing has me all fired up, so I continue…

I’ve dabbled in the black market of the food industry with some dumpster diving this year. I’ve seen tons of food go to waste, but I’ve also seen a fair share of food get donated. I’m wondering how much edible food gets wasted every day vs. put to a good use? What kind of numerical figure would the waste equate to? It’s definitely noteworthy; it could be tremendous.

Anyway, if we all lived by the credo “let’s assume I have to be president one day,” we’d all flood the world with ideas to make our world better (obviously with varying degrees of feasibility). Plus, we’d have to get better at speaking affluently, knowing current events, and being crazy engaged in everything.

I’m convinced for the day and hopefully for much longer that in order to get closer in my pursuit of happiness, I need to adopt the “let’s assume I have to be president one day,” mentality.

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