Sunday, August 7, 2011

Letters start with Smoothie King

Nothing is more exciting than receiving a letter. Inside the envelope awaits a treasure trove of words that could change the course of history, or at least make you smile.

This is what I’m hoping for in the case of Smoothie King. Perhaps my little bundle of words will help that establishment change its course and become a little more eco-friendly.

Below is the letter I will be sending to Smoothie King on Friday, Aug. 12. If you agree with the letter and/or would like to add your two cents please write a comment and I will attach it to the letter I am sending.

August, 07, 2011

Dear Smoothie King,

I love your different smoothie options and how your cold and refreshing fruit combinations provide refuge to summer’s sweltering heat. You are quasi-nutritious and very enjoyable.

I love you, but unfortunately I do not allow myself to indulge in your delicious offerings because of your one resounding flaw; the cups you use for every smoothie are made out of Styrofoam.

Smoothie King, I understand you seek to maximize your profits and you’ve done so by calculating the Styrofoam cups into the cost side of the equation. I challenge you to make a new cost curve with either paper or biodegradable cups. I know for a fact you would receive an increased demand for smoothies, at least at your store in Ballston, Virginia. This is the store I so often dream of stopping into, but won’t allow myself to because of your Styrofoam ways.

Again, I must remind you that I love you, and you offer a commodity that I very much desire, but I cannot allow myself to purchase your smoothies as responsible human being of the 21st century.

With sincere hope for new cup offerings,

Steven A. Bert

Planet Wisely Editor

P.S. Included is a list of signatures from people who also believe that a Styrofoam cup is an obstacle to true enjoyment for smoothie ingesting.

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